Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care of, his People underTemptation. himfelf : I am the bread, ((peaking of theMannah.) And when I all lifted"up, ((peaking of the brafen-ferpent, allu- dingto it.) Now, look into the ftory and you will find ; God did not give out there fuccours to them till they murmur ; in the a5. of Epochal. , there they murmur, , and murmur, and murmur, and then God opened the rock, andGod gave themwater notwith [landing. And in the r 6. ofExoduf, there he gives them bread. And in the 17. thereheopens therock: but first they murmured; the Lordgave them thefe fuccours with a Notwithflanding. The thing that I mean is this : Will the Lord give them a Typi- cal! Chrift for their fnccour, with a Notwithftanding ? and will henot gtvepoor tempted foils the Real Chrift with a Notwithflanding,Notwithitanding all ifthey do come un- tohim, if tempted fouls dobut come unto him ? Oh! what a mighty incouragement is here unto all poor tempted fouls tocome untoJefus Chrift ? Oh! you, Come unto Je- fus Chrift, you that never came unto Jefus Chrift, Come unto Jefus Chrift , you Ihall find him a fuccouring Secondly, If this DoEtrine be true : what ground of ftrong Confolation is here unto all the Saints ? Oh you that are the fervants of God, children of God; you that are Saints, will you ever doubt of Chrifislove again ? will you ever fuffer your hearts to lie under the preffure of de- fpondent fears again ? Doubting arifes from Ignorance, miftakes ofChrift ; we put Efau'r cloathes upon him ; we makehim an Angel of darknefs and then wefear him. Ye don't look upon him as a fuccouring Chrift, and therefore you are fo full ofDoubtings : or ifyoudo, youdon't aecu. ate your confiderations, and your notions onhim. Beloved:!: Either there is a truth in this Dottrine; elfe there is not. If therebe not, whatmean all theproofs that yehave-had ? And if there.be a truth, if the Lord Je- fus Chrift be a fuccouring Chrift to tempted fouls; why then fhOuldyou nottriumph in him ' ? and fay, Well, no- thing flail feparatemeftom the love ofGod in Jefus I ant 223