Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

238 Satanspower to Tempt; audCbrift's loves°, dreffe thy felf to the Lord Jefus, Eland wifhly looking up- on him. And then Give thyfoul over into the bandsofChrifi all thou can't : put thy felf out of thine own hands. So longas the Planck, or the board fwims in the llream, in the midi/ of the water, you may draw it along with a little thred butif once it come towards the banck, towards the fhoare, and touches upon the ground, then you can hardly draw it. So long as your temptation is in the ilream of Chrills love, andof his blood, you may draw it along the more ea- fly : but if once it come to touch upon your own fhoare? Oh ! then you draw hard. NN henfoever therefore , a temptation arifes, go untoJefus Chrift, andfay, 0Lord, I have no ftrength to fland againft this great Enemy : I con- feffe it is my duty to refill this temptation, but 'cis thypro- mile to fuccour me under this temptation, and therefore I put my felfupon thee. And then, refl upon Chrill. As I ufe to fay, Your very re- fling on him makes him yours; your refting on his flrength makes it yours; andyour refling on his fuccour makes that yours. And if the Lord command you to the ufeofany means; Don't refi upon any becaufe they aregreat: Or defPife any hecaufe they arefmall. You do obferve, that the great Vi&ories a- mongft the )ewes, they were obtained by the weakeft means; andby the blowing oframs horns walsfell down. Thole were butTypes ofthole fpiritual ViEtories under the Gof- pel. God feldom doe, wound the head ofa temptation, but firfl the heel (the means) is bruifedwhereby the head of the temptation is wounded. As Chrifis heel isbruifed in his wounding of Satans head ; So I fay, 'tis in regard of means : feldome that any means does wound the head of a temptati- on, but the very heel of that means is firft bruifed : and therefore don't defpife it though it be fmall. And ifit pleafe the Lord,to call in any Promife, when you are under a temptation Oh! take heed, that you don't live