242 Satanspower to Tempt; and Chrifi's love to you this gracious and bleffed promife, know, that there is a great form of temptation coming down uponyou. Here are two things : The Danger of the temptation; and the Remedy againfi it. The Danger in the 31. and the Re- medy in the 32. verfe. In the 31. verfe we have confidera- ble, The Tempter ; called Satan, which tignifies an aldver- fary. The tempted ; and t hofe are, not Simon only, but all the Difciples. Satan bath defiredyou : 'tis in the Plural num- ber: he dire&s his fpeechunto Simon, but the temptation fpreads larger upon all the Difciples That he may lift you. The Manner of the temptation, in Two expreffions ti Satan hath Defired you : according to the Original word, :176=n Satan hath challenged you into the field ; as one man does tqz,Z; another : And bath defied you, that he may lift you as wheat, and leave you nothing but chaffe. Plainly then, here is this Obfervation. The Lordlefus Chrift doesgive leavefometimes unto Satan, to tempt and winnow his own and belt Difciples; Chrifis own, and bell Difciples are expofed to Satans temp= tings, andwinnowings : not Peter only, but lames, and John, and all the beloved Difciples ofjefus Chrift were expofed here unto Satans winnowings. He bathdefired You, in the Plural number, not thee Pe- ter only, but you all my Difciples, that he may lift you as wheat. For the clearing and makingout of this Truth, I (hall labour to difcover. Firfi, Whatgreat power Satan bath to tempt, mole, and an troy the childrenofmen. Secondly, That heputs forth this power effiecially upon the Saints, Chrifis own andheft Difciples. Thirdly, Howhe comes by this power, and why God the Fa- ther gives him this leave. And fo to the Applycation. I Firfi, ifye askeme,' What power Satan bath to infeft, mo-, left, and dm to tempt the childrenof men Anfw. i I anfwer, .tairjt, ye know that Satan is aii 1l elhill;, and