and care of, hit People under Temptation. 245 ans, you fhall fee the Apoftle fpeaks thus much unto you there : at the 12. verfe. For we wrefile not againfi 114 and blood, but againft principalities, againfi powers, againft the ru- lers ofthe darknefl of this world, againfi friritual wickednef; in high places. He fpeaks concerning Satan, as youfee in the former verfe, Put on the whole armour ofGod, thatyou may be able toft and againfi the wiles ofthe Devil, For more.' le not a- gainftflefh andblood, &c. It is fomething for aman to have all the world again it him, to have all man-kind again ft him : if all man-kind fhould be again11 one man, you would fay, therewere a great firength ; but behold more than that, here is fomething more than flefh and blood that every man does wrefile again ft : For we wrefile not a- gainft PP and blood: all man-kind is but flefh and blood, and fo ther's a weaknefs ; but we wreftle not againft flefh and blood, but againfi principalities, for Authority; and againft power, for Strength; and againft the rulers of the darknefiof this world, and aga4ififfiiritual wick:thief? in high places. Oh! what a mighty power then hathSatan to in- feft, mold}, and to tempt the children ofmen. Whether does Satan put forth this power, and exercife this ezteft. his tempting power upon the Saints and Children of God I Yes, for they are the Saints that the Apoftle fpeaks of Anfir- here, in that to theEphefians; For we wrefilenot againfi flefh andblood. You that are Ephefians, andyou that are Saints We wreftle not againft flefhand blood, but againft principa- lities andpowers. Properly, ye don't wreftle with a man that is down ; ye wreftle with a man for to throw him down ; but he mutt be a ftanding man that ye wreak withal : ye don't wreftlewith one that does run away but one that ftands to it. Now all wicked men, they are down, but the Saints they stand, and they labour to throw Satan down, andSatan labours to lay them` all along in unbe- lief: but they properly do wreftle with Satan, for they ftand, the otherare fallen already. Yea, theSaints arenot only tempted by Satan ; but the b b belt,