and carefor, hisPeople under Temptation. 247 toprovoke, David to number Ifrael. It is not raid thus, And Satan ftoodup againft David, and provokedDavid to num,. ber Ifrael : no, but thus, And Satan flood up againft If- rael, andprovoked David to number the people : he flood up againft Ifrael ; why ? becaufe he knew, that if he did make David thus tonumber the people, it would be a atm- bling for all Ifrael, and all Ifrael fhould fare the worfe by it. W hen Satan ftands up, and tempts the matter of a fa- mily unto fin, hedoes not barely ftand up againft him, but in tempting him, he stands up againft all the family. When Satan tempts a religious holy man, a beloved Dif- ciple ofChrift in a Town, Satan ftands up againft all the Town in tempting that oneman. He flood up againft If- rad., and tempted David to number the people : and fo when he tempts thofe that are the molt beloved Difciples of Chrift, he ftands up againft others; and therefore though Satan knows, that their fins (hall be pardoned, yet he does follow themwith fad and fore temptations. Thirdly : Satan loves todivide between friends : he is the great make-bait of theworld, he loves todivide. He may know, that there is fo much goodnefs between manand wife, that he (hat never part them ; and yet he will labour to fowdifcordbetween them,that they may live uncomfor- tably. And fo,though he knows he (hall never part Chrift and a poor beleever; yet he will labour to throw jealoufies into the heart of a beleever concerning the loveof Chrift. He knew well enough what was faid concerning our Savi- our Chrift : 'what was faid by the Angels at the birth of Chrift; what was faid by the Angel to A ary ; what was laid by Elizabeth ; he heard what was laid fromHeaven, 7bis is my belovedSon, inwhom Iam wellpleafed : and yet pre- fently- he comes to Chrift withan If : If thou be the Son of God : laboring to throw a jealoufy into the heart ofChrift, and todoubt of his Son-(hip, even with God the Father. So I fay, although Satan fhouldknow, that the Lord will pardon fuchor fucha man, yet he loves to makea divifion between Godand thefoul, and to caft in jealoufies between bb 2. Chrift