THE CONTENTS Page Why then are mendamned ? Anfwered 230 Other objections anftrered ibid Obje&. My temptation is mixed with corruption Anfwered I He fuccours finners moft when they are molt temp- ted 231 2 When they cannot fuccou, themfelves 232 3 AI nwitbfl=ding all their failings ibid Application 2 Here if firong confalation to all Saints 233 Application 3 ;Letts! be *cowing Chriflians 235 Application 4 Whyfhoald creyeeld to tempta- lionsIhough neverfo violent 236 Application 5 Let us labour to anfwer Chrift in this work 1 Obferve his fuccours and Jay them up againfl a rai- ny day ibid 2 Labour to keep the.fence of his love upon your hearts 2,37 3 Lookup to C brift ibid 4 Give :bloat up into his hands 5 Reft on him 6 Donot reft upon means be- caufe great, nor deffrife them becaufefmal ibid 7 Donot live upon the letter ofa promifi 239 8 Ifyou have the wadi, be humbled, If the better, improveyour vilYory ibid SERMON III Luke 22.31,32. Text opened 241 Do&. Chrift gives leave to Satan fometimes to tempt his own andbelt Difciples 242 °I2ened What great power Satan loath to tempt and moleft the children ofmen i He is an Angel 242 2 He is a Spirit 243 3 He is able to fuggeft what heplcafith ibid 4, He knows what bait will fooneft take ibid 5 He is able tofollowhis fug- gellions ibid 6 He is able to bemire the fancy ibid 7 To hold down a mans mind to that particular The thing 244 Page 238 ibid