Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

258 Satanspower to Tempt ; andChrifi's love to, the great tempter, hath no more power than my father gives him leave ? Thus it is, Satan hath defied &c. II Is it notwonderful comfort, for a man to know, that there is fomething that he can never be robbed of? When a man is travelling in his journey, ; if he meet with theeves, they take away the money that he hath about him ; but when they have taken away all his money that he hath about him, well (faies he)though they have ta- ken away my fpending-money, and that which I did wear about me, yet I haveland at home that they cannot rob me of. And fo faies a childof God (or at leait he may fay Co) when Satan comes and tempts him, and robs him of fume comfort ; yet blefled be the Lord, I have Union with Chritt that I can never be robbed of; and I have an inheri- tance in Heaven that theeves cannot break through and ileal away. Satan may take away my fpending-money, my fpending comforts that I have here in this world but Oh ! blared be God, I have Inch comforts, and Inch an E- Irate; filch durable riches that I can never be robbed of. Oh! you that are the Saints and people ofGod, lift upyour heads : you that have beenbowed under temptation, thefe things have lipoken to you, that you may not be over- whelmedwith temptation, you that are tempted, but that in the midi} ofall youmay breath out your fouls in the bo- foine of jelus Chrifi. Objta. Veil, but yet you will fay, It rot comfort that I lookfor, or that Ifollow after ; but the truth is. Iam fo. rely tempted, and Satan lies heavy onme,fallowing, anddoggingme at the heels to yeeldunto his temptations ; what Pall Ifay, or what fhall I do, that I may notyeeld unto his temptations ? What (halt thou fay : If it be poffible, don't Rand to treat with Satan, don't-Rand toparley withhim ; he will diCpute you out ofall your comfort if you ftand and par. ley with him. You have half loft thefield when ye honour Satan, and youhonour him when you followhim into his d ghats ifit be poflible thereforedon't fland and parley, or difpute with Satan, but if you mutt fay fomething to him, 111