Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

it* and care of,bis People under Temptation. him, and ye mull treat, ye mutt fpeak; Tell Satan then, That therefore you beleeve it, becaufe he denies it a there- fore you donot beleeve it, becaufe he affirms it; that you beleeve the contrary, becaufe he fpeaks thus. When ye are to deal with a great lyar, one that is your Enemy, & he comes and telsyou very ill news, youwill fay, He is a lyar, and he is my Enemy, and he does it to fcare me, and there- fore I beleeve thecontrary. Satan isa great lyar, and he is your Enemy, and therefore when he faies unto thee, There is no hope for thee, thou haft been a great firmer, a Drunkard for thus manyyeers, a Swearer thus many yeers, there's no hope for thee : fay, Satan, therefore I beleeve the contrary, there is hope forme, becaufe thou faiett there is none, for thou art a lyar, yea, the father of lyes. Again, If ye muff fpeak with Satan ; then fpeak of Chritt, ofgrace, ofthe infinite love ofGod in Chrift : he cannot (landbefore words of grace, and before words of love: not a word ofgrace, or offree love in all his temp. Cation s. Yea, ifyou mutt fpeak with Satan, tell him, Oh! tell him, what ye find in the wales ofGod, and tell him, that you beleeve beyondwhat ye find; thus : Satan, for the pre- fent I find nothing but fweetnefs in the waies of God ; thou told ft me that if I would turn godly I fhould never have merry day again, but I tell theewhat I now find, I findofa truth, That thefowreft part ofgodlinefl, atfweeter than the fweetefl part of wickednefs'. Satan, I find, that all that e- ver thou toldf} me is falfe ; Thou faidft, I fhould lofe all myfriends: I havebetter. Thou faidft, I fhould lofe all my comforts III turnedgodly ; I have better, Satan.- And. this I find, Satan.; That all that ever Chriit fpake unto me, is true: Oh! I find infinite fweetnefs in the wales of. God, and I beleeve beyond what I find ; that if the wheels ofpro- vidence should run never fo croffe, yet through grace I wouldbeleeve. Beloved I ye know what the Apafile faies, Whom refifil fledfafi in thefaith : and byfaith xre quench his fie- ry dots. Mull ye thereforaneds fpeak with. Satan ; fpeak