Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

260 Satatispower to Tempt 5 andChrifi's love to, Zi Anjtr.i to him words offaith ; not of fence (man) not of reafon, but fpeak words of faith ; I charge ye in the Lord, if ye will {landand parley, and fpeakwith Satan, fpeak words of faith tohim,fpeak words in a way of beleeving ;and 'tis only faith that brings Chrift and the foul together in the time of temptation 5 and whenChilli comes in, Satan goes out. But you will fay, I know 'tis agood thing and happy, fo to anfwer Satan s temptations as I may not yeeld : But Oh ! that Imight not be led into any temptation : whatfball I do that Imayprevent it ? Take, heedthat ye don'tflandplaying upon the borders, or con- fines ofany fin. Ifyou (land upon the brink of a fin, Satan comes behind you and thrulls you into it. Some there are that tempt the tempter, that begin unto Satan, they drink to Satan the &it draught, and Satan pledges them, and drinks unto them again. Would you (my beloved) prevent temptation ? Oh take heed howye Aland playing upon the borders ofany fn, the holes of the Afpes. Again, Ifye wouldprevent temptation : 2hen labour to getyonr hearts mortifiedunto the objeUs oflove andfear. Satan tempts twowaies : As a Serpent : And as a Lyon. When Sa 'tan tempts as a Serpent ; then he does make a tender, and an offer of Tome comfortable, profitable, Tweet thing : You (hall be like God ; You (hall bear God, faies be unto Adam and Eve, when he tempted as a Serpent, came as a Serpent. And fo dealing as a Serpent with our Saviour Ch rift, All thin will Igive thee if thou wilt fall down andwar vie. Shews him the glory of the world, and all this will. I give thee. So fades he unto a poor foul, when he tempts as a Serpent, Come and yeeld unto this temptation, and all this comfort will I give thee, and all thinprofit will I give thee, and all this repute and honor will I give thee. Thusasa' Serpent. Sometimes he tempts as a Lyon : for he goes.upand down as a roaring Lyon, feeking whom he may devour. And when Satan tempts as a Lyon, then he does roare upona poor foul, and labours to icare him out of