Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

262 Satanspower toTempt andOhrift's love to, only blowout the candle, the candle is eafily lighted a- gain : but when the candle is out, take it and put it into the water, and then 'tis not fo eafily lighted again : So now a temptation comes, and you blow it out witha Refo- 1 ution, and you won't yeeld to it, alas, 'tis eafily lighted again : but now, take this candle, take this temptation, and comeand dip it in the blood ofJefus Chrift, and it will not be fo eafily lighted again ; fo you (hall be able to pre- vent temptation for the time to come : Never refi alone in re- laving, but, Oh ! tabeyour temptation anddip it in the bloodof jerus And ifthat you do overcome your temptation at any time; be thankful to God : ifye have more than fleth and blood againft you, ye [hall have more then flefh and blood with you. And therefore, have you overcome temptati- on ? go away and be very thankful, and fay, Oh ! though Beth and bloodbe again{[ me, yet I have more than fitfh and blood with me, praife the Lord much : And if you have beenovercome with temptation, yet be not difcouraged ; for ye hear the Doecrine, God doth fuffer his owndear chil- dren to be tempted, tobe buffeted, to be expofed to Satano temptings, and to Satans winnowings. but though ye be tempted, and it be a temptation of Satan yet ye hear withall, That 'tis t he property, and difpodtion of Gods own people to grieve, and mourn under their temptation as if it wereall their own, andnothingofSatans. Where- fore now (mybeloved) having heard there things, think on them, and the Lord blefli them to you every day, more and more.