THE CONTENTS Page S The fame words which are given to Godfor good, are given to the Devil fur evil ibid Wherein the Devil fals Ihort of God ibid 2 Heputsforth thispower de- cially upon the lc) of Saints Objeft Why doth Satan liefo heavy up. on the Saintsfceing he kzOPPJ theypall befaved I Anfw . 1 His envy 246 2 That they may be flum- blingblocks to others ibid 3 He loves to moleft them I 247 3 How he comes by this power 248 4 Why GodgivesSatan leave to tempt his own children To wean them from that fin tbeyfall into 249 2 The manifeflation of his own power, wijdom, faithfulnef?, and free grace 250 Application Why could any man doubt of bis fonfhip 251 ObjeEk. Mine isno temptation of Satan but the corruption ofmy own heart Anfwered I It is ufual for Saints to chargeall Satans tempta- ti4is upon their own hearts Page 254 2 7.he Saints neverfall in- to anygreat fin, but Satan bads a fPecial hand in it. 255 3 It is the clig'ofition of the Saints to begrievedfor theirfins, as if all were from Memfelves and no- thing fromSatan ibid 4 'Ihe differencebetween Sa- tans temptations and our corruptions 256 Objea. What comfire can we have this condition ? i Nothing befall you but what may befal a child of God 257 2 Whilfi thou art tempted Chriji ispraying for thee ibid 3 The enemy is overcome be- forehepike! ibid 4 He bath no more power than Godgives him 258 5 Thou haft fomething can- not be takn from thee ibid Objeti. 2 What Pall I do that I may no notyeeld to temptation ? c Anfwered