Satanspower to Tempt; and Chrift's love toe lar word, that they fhould be delivered out of the fiery furnace, yet they beleeved ; and whether God deliver, or does not deliver, (fay they) we will not bow our felves to this idolatry. So that, though God is pleafed forntimes, to give out a particular word or promife, yet alwaies he does not, and therefore my faith may be right (Satan) though I have not a particular word now for this bufineffe, Again, Tell thy foul this : That though God is pleafed thus to indulge, and fometimes to give out a particular promife unto his people, and they have a particular faith concerning this or that bufineae; yet there is alwaies a Waiting-faith that we reade of in Scripture. There is a faith of Recunibency, whereby a foul leans upon God, and commits his cau le unto God : And there is a Waiting faith. Now therefore(Satan) though I have not a parti- cular word, and a particular faith for this bufinefs ; yet notwithtlanding I have a Waiting faith, I can waite upon the Lord my God, and I can reft upon Jefus Chrift : and therefore (Satan) I do yet beleeve, and my faith: is right. Tell your own foul thus ; fo (hall you be able to (land to your faith, and (hall not fall off in the time of your temp-, tation. Thirdly, For the faith ofAcknowledgement. Sometimes- Satan does labour to weaken the faith ofthe Saints Acknow- ledgement. He does labour either that they Ibould deny the Truth, or not own it : either that they fhould deny Chrift, dr that they fhould not own him. So he laboured to make, Peters faith to fail, bydenying Chrift. And therefore, he conies unto a poor foul and faies, If you will go on in this way, it (hall coil you a prifon ; can you lie, and rot, and die in a prifbn ? he rattles chaines in the ears of a poor be- leever, and fo labours to (care him away from his confci- ence, and from his faith, and from the Truth and Caufe ofGod, and the good wales of Chrift. Hon, floortid we wardof this blow -? Firth, Before the temptation comes, labour to poffefre your heart much, with the Mercy, and priviledge of fuffe- ring.