and care of, his People under Tentptation. ring for the Caufe, Truth, Name, and Way of Chrift. To you it is given, not only to beleeve, but to 'tis a great Gift : A fuffering opportunity, and a fuffering heart, is a great Gift from God. Is it not a great mercy to be confor- mable to jefus Chrift our head ? For this Caufe ( faies Chritt) came 1 into the world, that .1 might bear witnefs' unto the truth, Is it not a great mercy, to be confeffed at the laft day before all the world, Angels, and men ? He that confefes me before men, (faits Chrift) Him will 1 confefi before my father 6-c. Is it not a great mercy, to live and reigne withChrift a thoufand years? ye know that Scripture ; I fhall not fpeakof the meaning of it now, but certainly, there is a great deal of glory promifed there, living and reigningwith Chrift a thoufand years : and the promife is made unto thofe that do acknowledge, and own the Caufe, and Truth ofGod and jefus Chrift. Poffeffe your heart much, with the priviledge, and mercy ofbearing witnefs to theTruth , the Caufe, and the good way of Chrift be- fore your temptation comes. Secondly, Ifyouwould bear off the blowof this temp.. ration ; Be lure that you look upon both fides of your fuf- fering, or bearing witnefs to the Truth, Caufe, or wayof Chrift : the Dark fide, and the Light fide; let them not be fundered. When the Lord cals for any of his people to fuffer at any time for him, he does give themmore firength than before, and he does give them more Comfort and Confolation than they had before. Now Satan, comes and holds forth the fuffering, he makes mention of the fuffering ; but he hides theStrength, and theConfolation. Either Satan holds forth the fuffering alone; or elle, if he do mention any ftrength, or comfort that a gracious foul fhall have in the fuffering, 'tis but the fame ftrength that he hath now, he don't fpeak of the firength he than have then, and the great Confolation that he Mall have then when the fuffering comes : and Co thefe being parted, the Suffering, and the Confolation being parted , now our faith fails. When ever therefore this temptation does f f 2 come 279