Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care of; bit People underTemptation, your heart which ye have at the coming in of the word. And if a particular word, or Scripture, and promife donot come unto you in the timeofyour temptation 5 don't mea- fure your felves, and your condition, by the Itraightners, and deadnefle of your heart which you have at that time when a particular word does not come. Thirdly, Iftemptaion come, Lookmuch unto the infirmi- ties of "Jefut Chrift : not the finful infirmities, for fo he had none, but he hadmany other infirmities. And ye know what the Spoufe in the timeof Defertion faies, in the book of the Canticles, HU left hand is under my head, and with his right hand he does imbrace me. The right hand, is a hand of power 5 and the left hand, is a handofweakneffe : and in the time of Defertion, and Temptation, it's a great relief to a poor foul, toconfider the infirmities of jcills his left hand is under our head then. As when a man is inlarged in heart, 'tis good to confiderofChrifls Example, that fo he may be humbled under his inlargement : So when a man is inDefertion, or Temptation, it's good for to think ofChrifts Infirmities, that fo he maynot be over- whelmed, or caft down too much. Fourthly, If temptationdo come, be lure of this, That ye don't conclude it u no temptation. Satan tempts, and then he tempts a man to think it is no temptation. So long as a poor foul thinks it is but a temptation, his heart is borne up with comfort, and he faies, It is but a temptati- on, and it will be over fhortly, and the Lord Jefus Chriii will pity me, for 'tis but a temptation, and fohis heart is borne up with comfort, waking upon God : But if the Devil can get a man fo far, as tomake him think it is no temptation, but worfe than a temptation then his heart fails, and his faith failes. Therefore, . I befeech ye, If a temptation come, don't conclude it is no temptation, but fay, Oh ! it may be 'tis a temptation, and therefore'I will wait on God. Fifthly, Iftemptationcome, Remember thine own foul of the waits ofGod with thee. Gods wales (ye know) are in the deep, 281 4-