282 Satanspower to 7empt; andChrifts love to, sr deep, andhis footfleps are not Known : but as the Heavens are greater than the earth, fo are Gods wales ofmercy beyondour waies. Now therefore, ifa dark temptation docome upon ye, and ye fee no way to get out fay, 0 but my foul, remember Gods waies are infinite, and his wales are beyond our wales; and though I fee no way, God hath infinite wales, he walks over nmlbery-trees, and his waies have been in the deep ; and fo it bath been all along with my foul, and therefore now, 0my foul, wait on God. 6 Sixthly, If temptation come, ifSatan come, Do you run to Chrift ; and lorkhow Satanappears toyott, fo doyou apply the Attributesof Chrifi toyou futable to his temptation. Does Sa- tan fet a temptation unto your breaft ? obfervewhat temp- tation it is , and take an Attribute ofCh rift finable to that temptation, and fet it to the breaft of that temptation. For Example : Does Satan come and tempt as a Serpent ? Then remember,that Jefus Chrift is the brafen ferpent. Does Sa- tan come and prefent hirnfelf as a roaring Lyon? NOW re- member, that jefus Chrift is the Lyon of the tribe of ..Judah. Does Satan come and prefent himfelfas an Acculer ? Now remember, that the Lord jefus Chrift is an advocate. Be- loved ! in the timeof temptation, yeare to run to Chrift, that is true . but that is not all, but you are to obferve how your temptation lies, and apply that Attribute of Chriff to your foul which is futable to your temptation : do this, and your faith (hall not failein time of temptati- on. ro Seventhly,andhilly. Above all things, take the Shield of faith. Take the Shieldoffaith, that your faith may not fail : for,the way tobeleeve is to beleeve ; the way topray is to pray ; the way to hear,is to hear ; the way to receive, is to receive ; the way to perform duty, is to perform duty; the way to exercife grace, is to exercife grace. When temp- tation therefore does come upon thee, that thy faithmay not fail, now fir up thy felfto this work of faith, and to beleeve ; and if ye beleeve that ye (hall overcome, ye (hall cvercome; and ifye beleeve that ye (hail prevaile againfl your