and care of, hit People under Temptation. 283 Ors yourtemptations, ye (hall prevaile againfi your temptati- ons. And, poor foul, if thou canft relie uponChrift,and beleeve that thou {halt be justified, thou {halt be justified ; and ifthou canft by faith relie upon the Promife, the Pro- mife {hall belong to thee. Wherefore, stir up your (elves now to beleevewhen temptation comes. When ye have to deal with an Enemy hereamong men, Idon't fay, beleeve ye (hall overcome your enemy, and ye {hall overcome : a man may beleeve he Thal overcome his outward enemy here in the field,and yet fall before him, and not overcome : but having to deal with this enemy, Gods enemy, your fathers enemy, and your enemy ; beleeve ye {hall overcome him, andye {hall overcome him. ButPall we overcome him Only ifwe beleeve ? Who ever thou art that fpeakeft, or thinkeft thus : Doeft thoumake on Only of beleeving ? I tell thee from theLord, It is an harder thing to beleeve, than to keepall the Commande- ments : for there if fomething in Nature towards the keeping ofthe ten Commandements ; but nothing in Nature towards beleeving in Chrift. And , (poor foul) doeft thou make an Only of beleevine thou doeft not knowwhat beleeving means : but I fayunto thee from the Lord, Beleeve that thou {halt overcome , and thou [halt overcome ; beleeve that thou [halt prevaile againft Satan, and thou [halt prevail againft him ; beleeve that thy fins flaal be pardoned through Chrift and relic upon him, and thy fins Thal be pardoned. When- foever therefore any temptation comes, Oh I run toChrift, cry untoCMit, and reft upon Chrift, and fay, Lord I do beleeve, help thoumy unbelief. Beloved in the Lord, ye have heard, That in all Satans temptations, his great deign is upon your faith, to wea- kenyour faith : therefore, let it be all your delign, in all your temptations, to {kengthen your faith, and to look to your faith. Which that ye may do, think on all thefe things, and the Lord biers them to you. Rue frv.