NT TS Page faith of Affurance By telling us we have no faith ibid 2 By telling us we have no obedience 275 How to ward off this blow ? 279 That we have no faith How to ward off this blow ? the Lord cloth give out particular promifesfor men to tneafure their condition by 276 2 God cloth not alwaies give out a particular promife. ibid 3 Particular promifes have a particular faith 278 3 How Satan weakens our faith Page 2 Do not meafure yourfelves by the Enlargement or Veadnef; of your ozone hearts ibid 3 Look much unto the infir- mities of jefus Chrifl. 2811 4 Do not conclude it is no temptation ibid 5 Remember thy ownfoul of the wales ofGodwith thee ibid 6 Apply the Attributes of Giorifi fat able to the temp- tation 282 7 Take the Shield of faith. ibid ,M.....1 of Acknowledgement SERMON V. By keeping us from owning Chrifi 278 How to bear off this blow? Forel; your foulswith the Docl. priviledge of fujfering foe I Gods love and mercy is never Chrill 279 more at wort for bispeople, z Be fure you look on both than when they are molt temp fides of your fUjferings. ted by Satan 2 2 79 Cleared Que ft. Fiat Wherin the care of Chrifl is expreffed to hispeople in temptation. In ordering their temp- tations ibid 2 He treakns them. 287 3 He Luke, 22. 2i,22. 6 What general Rules may he gt- ven to flay ourfaith that fail not in temptation Anfw. Study the Scripture much 280 C 2