1010=t andcare of, his People under Temptation. 285 AtA*MAMAtAMAAtAttanntA Avnal .09 AIA,waon ihrA WarClat$MaMira-Yarffii SERMON V. Of TE MP T ATI ON. L u E 22. 315 32. And the Lord faid, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan bath de- fired to haveyou that he may fiftyou at wheat : But 1 have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not. .014,6 Hefe words (as ye have heard) acquaints eNg' "" us with a great temptation that was to come down upon Chrifts Difciples.Con- 4& cerning which ye havehere, The Danger 11 M7;116 of the temptation : And the _Remedy a- .04406 gainft it. For the Danger ofthe temp- ' tation, I have fpoken already : and now come unto this 32. verfe, But Ihave prayedfor thee, that thy faithfail not. Here is fomething Implyed ; and fomthing Expreit. Satans defign implyed, which is, and was, to weaken the faith of Chrifts Difcipleso to make their faith to fail. And of that ye have heard already. Now that which is expre ft is; Chrifls tender care of, and love unto his Difeiples in regard oftbeir temptations. And this love and care of his towards his Difciples under temptation, is Expreft in many things. Firft in the forewarningof them, of a temptation comingupon them : there is his love and care, in that he told themofthe temptationbefore it came. And then alfo, He prayed for them. Yea, He prayed for thembefore theywere tempted. Yea, And he tels them that he did pray for them that they might have affuranceof g g his, Preached atStepney . 24 1647.