Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

286 Satanspomer to Tempt; atmiChrifi's love to, his help in the time of their temptation. Great was his love and care, to,and for his DiCciOes under their temptati- on. And Co the Obfervation is this. 7)eta Chrifts love and mercy, in never more at workforhis -Difciples, andperple, then when they are moll allmilted by Satan. Vry hen' Satan is molt bulk to tempt, and affault their faith, then is Chrilis love and mercymolt at work, to keep and defend .both them and their faith. We don't reade of filch a pra- yer for Peter before. We reade indeed, that our faviour Paid unto Peter ; Vnto thee do Igive the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven ; Thou art Peter, andupon this rock will I build my Church but we don't reade there, that he prayed for Peter, But herehe prayes, and for Peter in particular :1 have pra- yed for Thee. Why -? becaufe now his temptations were to be more than Ordinary ; and therefore Chrifis love and care was drawn out, and exprefi in a more than ordinary way. For the clearingof thisTruth unto ye, I fhall-labour to difcover. Firft, Wherein the love,care, andmercy ofChrifi, is expreFed untohis people under their temptations. Secondly; That this love and care of his, is moil expreSe. d when they are moji tempted. Thirdly, What therein in the heart ofChrift, that does thus incline him to this indulgence, or mercy. And fo to the Appli- cation. Fi ril, I fye aske me,- Wherein the love and care ofChrig expreffed untohis people under their temptations ? I anfwer, Fla}, In the ordering oftheir temptations . For there is no temptation befalls anyofHis, but he meafures out the temptation according to their abilities. As a wife Philidandoes not give the fame PhyEck unto every perfon, but confiders every ones ability; that which he gives to one, is too flrong for another : he confiders rft the abili- ty of his patient, and prefcrihes accordingly. Now, thoirgh our Saviour Chrift don't dire& Satan for to, tempt, yet he does order him in tempting ; and Satan cannot put. th u1fl I Anfw.