and care of, hzs people underTemptation. 287 the leaa drain into any temptation, but as it is rneafured out by thehand of Chriit. And this is that which the A- poftle fpeaks plainly, in the 1. Cor. . a o. Chapter, and the 13. verfe. But God is faithful who will not fitiferyou to be temp- ledabove thatyou are able &c. that ye may be able to bear it. ti 39 ThePfalrnitt David faies ' Searchme, 0 Lord, and prove me. :That is (faits Gregory) Firil, 0 Lord, look upon my ftrength, and then, if I mutt be tempted, fuffer me to be tempted according to mine ability. Chrift does meafure 1 out all the temptations ofhis people according to their a bilities. d-. Mor- 2, Secondly, As he does meafure out their temptations ac- cording to their abilities : So he does alfo, mortifte their temp- tations, and weaken them as they come through his han 1 tifie them before they do come at his Difciples, and people, before they do come at you. And upon this account (partly) it is Paid, That we are more than conquerers, through 0)1'0 that giveth viaory. Becaufe ourenemy is overcome before he ftrikes, and his blow is broken as he firikes. And therefore faies the Apoftle, concerning our Saviour, That he bath fi,oil'dprincipalities,andpowers, and made aji en> of them openly upon the crofle. All your temptations, the power and ttrength of them were fpoil'd upon the crofie. 1 here's no temptation befals any ofGods people, but it is mortifi- ed, and weakned before it does come at them, the fling, teeth, and the poifonbeing taken out. Thirdly, He does not only thus mortifie, and weaken 3. a temptation before it does come at PS : But hedoes caufe Sa- tanfo to lay his temptations, as that he may be difterned, and fp c- vercome, Satan tempted Adam andEve ; but he tempt,] iti a ferpent, and fo Adam might eafily have difcerned _lie handofSatan in it : for Adam knewall th reaturf, ; he gave them their Names, & he knew their Nat - -s : e , ile knew well enough the ferpent could nc er,fi. Le b i'-'1 i he might earlyhave known, that the hand ofSe*an was in the butinefs: And fo now) though Goddoes fuffer Satan to' ,tempt his people, yet he does caufe Satan fo to lay his f g g 2 temptations,