Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

andcareof, bit People under Temptation. 289 no further than the inflance ofPeter; beforePeter was temp- ted ; what abundance ofcarnal confidence was there in Pe - ter ? Lord (faies he)though all menforfake thee, yet will not I. But now, I pray look upon him after his temptation, and you fhall fee how this carnall confidence was laid down : for, our Saviour faies unto him, Peter, lovell thou me more than thefe ? Lord (faies he) thouknower I love thee : but not a word of the comparative, More than thefe , he had left comparing now, having been under temptation, and ha- ving fallen, his carnal confidence was gone; and he don't fay now, Lord, thoughall men forfake thee, yet will not i : the comparifon is/left out now : he anfwers to the other part, but not aword to that. So that I fay, If the Lord jefus Chrift do meafure out all our temptations for us : And mortifie them before they come at us : And does caufe Satan to lay them, as we may mofi tafilydifcover them : And ifthe LordChrift does Time our temptations for us : And fanEtifie themunto us : Then certainly, there is much ofChritis love and mercy avwork for his people under their temptations. Secondly, If ye ask me yet further, Wherein it the love of e fi. chrifl expreft, or drawn out untohis people under their temptati- ons ? I anfwer, It is Peen and expreft in this: In teaching ofthem, Aro. in, and by their temptations. Tempting times, are teaching times unto Gods people: the fchool of temptation is a great fchool. Luther laid, that the temptations of Satan, were the imbracings ofChriti : meaning, that thenChrift did imbracehis peoplemote, and difcover moft of his love unto them. Three things (hePaid) there were that made a Preacher : Meditation, Prayer, and Temptation. And in- deed, when, or where does God or Chrift reveal himfelfe more fullyunto his people, than in the times oftheir temp- tations ? 'TisPaid, that at Marahand Aleribah, the waters of firife and of temptation, there the Lord gave Ifrael his fiatutes. How many experiences do Gods people get, in, and by their temptations tempting times areteaching: and