Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

290 Satanspower to Tempt; andChrift's love top and Chrift teaches his people by their temptations. Satans Buffetingsiare the Saints fchoolings. 3. Yea, Thirdly, He does not only teach his people ; Eut he does alfo bear up, andupholdtheir hearts withnew jupplies of his grace, and Spirit, in the times of their temptations. Chrift does not fuller his people to go into new temptations, with old firength but as a new temptation does come from Sa- tan, fo new fupply ofgrace and itrength does come from Chrift. SaiesDavid, in the 94. Pfalm, and the i8. verfe. When Ifaid, myfootflippeth : thy mercy, 0Lord, heldme up. He does not fay thus : when my foot flippeth ; thy mercy, 0 Lord held me up : but when Ifaid, myfoot flippeth 5 when I thought 3 was quite re/died, cart off, and forfaken when I faid, my foot tlippeth t then thy mercy, 0 Lord, held, me up. As new temptations do come in, fo new ftrength comes in. Yea, and ftipplies of grace in Proportion to our tempta- tions. My grace is fufficientfor thee (faies the Lord toPaulj- my grace is F it for thee. ea, he does not cnly give out rroportionable firength ; but an everplua offirength. As the woman , that had oyle given her, not enough barely to pay her debt, but an 0- verplus to live on the reit. So Cods people in the time of their temptations, have not cnly itrength given them to (land out againft their temptatiops, but an Cverplus' to live on the ref/. Yea, and they have not only i n-cornes ofAflifling grace; but of Accepting grace too ; more Accepting grace. God doth and will then Accept leffer than at another time Though theprayer .be weak, ancithefaithlow; ydt, faies the Lord,. it isthe time of temptation with this my, poOr fervant ; and therefore I will take the Duty, though it be never fo little, becaufe it is the time of temptation, it's a time ofdarknefs, and a time of fadnefs. Ye knowwhat our favicur faid unto Thomas Binh hither _thine hand, and put it into my fide : Come 7-barna, if thou 'wilt not beleeve without it, Pie take thy faith, even upon thefe termes -4for I know