Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care of ,his People upderTemptation. 29I I know it is a timeof temptation with thee. What grace ! what love and mercy is here ! Yea, Fourthly. The Lord Jefus Chrift does not only come in thus, with fupplies of grace,& ftrength in the times oftemptation : But he does give his people an E./ft, and a Remedy, a breathing time under their temptations, though they be never fo fad, and neverfogreat. Indeed, fob laid, That God was his enemy , and would not fuffer him to fwallow leas filittle, he followed him fo dole : but the good man was miftaken much : for at the fame time, the time ofhis temp tation, he could fay, I know that my Redeemer liveth ; and he could bleffe theLord : he had his breathing time in the midft ofall. When Davidwas perfecuted by Saul, he was under temptation , for, as the Devil calls fome men into prifon ; fo the Devil perfecutes in wicked men : yet David had his breathing time, now and then, Saul given into his hands, as a pledgeof that ful deliverance that David fhould have afterwards. And this is no other than that which the Apoftle (peaks of, in that fame z of the Corinthians, the to, Chap. at the 13. verfe, Who will notfufer you to be tempted a- bove thatyou are able; but will with the temptation alfo, make a way to efcape. Make an Outlet, (fo the word is ;) He will make an Out-let. Though the finoke he very o ffentive, yet there fhall alwaies be fome window open for to let it out, or fomedoor open for a poor tempted foul to go out at : It'll an out-let, fome breathing time in the midit of thefe temptations. Fiftly, and laf41y. As the Lord Jefus Chrift liveth for e- ver tomake intereeflion for us; So he cloth it efbecially when his people are under temptation ; then he pra)es for them;and then efi ecially. I will not determine,whether Chrift nowin ven does intercede Vocally, or B tally ; but when Satan lies hard upon a poor tempted foul, and fetches blood from it, then does the Lord Jefus liep in unto his Father, and prefent his wounds, and his blood, and faits unto his Fa- ther, 0Father, I have prayed unto thee, that this poor man or woman, maynot fail in the time of temptition. Thus 5-