Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

292 Satanspower to Tempt; and Chrill's love tol aefl. dinfw. Thus it was with Peter here; I have prayed for thee :and yet this was not the time of his full interceilion, when he was here onearth. There are two parts ofChrifts Prieftly Of- fice : SatUfatlion, and Intend/on. The proper place for him to make fatufatiion forfin, was here on earth : and in Heaven, the holy ofholieft, hedoes make interceff ion there he does do it fully, but he could not for bear while hewas here on earth, but he fides untoPeter, I haveprayed for thee. Though mygreat work in Heavenbe to intercede, and my fpecial work here on earth be to fatisfie : yet notwithitan- ding, I have prayed for thee already Peter. And the Lord Jefus Chrift was heard in all that heprayed for. Now then, ifthe Lord Chrift doth intercede here on earth for his poor tempted fervants , and was heard here; how much more, when his Difciples are tempted, does he inter- cede, and pray for them in Heaven, and is heard there. Satan maycome running in upon youwithhis temptation: but when Satan runs in upon you with his temptation, Chrift runs into the prefence of God the Father, and fpreads his blood, and his fatisfaetion for you, and there he faies unto the Father, Father, I have prayed that this man or womans faith may not fail. Oh ! what grace and, mercy, and love is here ! Thus, in all thefe refpeets, (and many others that I might mention) is the love of Chrift, and his mercydrawn out unto his people in the time of their temptation. Well, But howmay it appear, that Chrifis tnerejt-it moil at work, when his people are molt afaulted ly Satan ? Chriii dealsby His, as God the Father did deal by Him. Now ye Ihall find, that Gods love was never more towards Chrift, than whenChrift was under temptation. When Chriftcame to die, Satan was very bufie ; it's called, The hour ofdatef fo bufie was Satan with all his malice a- gainil him ; yet then was the Fathers love towards Chrift, then efpecially ; for faies Chrift, Therefore does the Father love me, becaufe I lay down my life. Ifthe Father did there- fore lovehim, becaufe he laid down his life, then his love was