and care of, his People under Temptation. 295 Satan won't vex him with temptations ; but let a man once becomegodly, and be in Chrift, and then, howmany temptations will Satan vex himwith ? Now (Tales Chrifi) (hall this poor foul endure all this for me ? and than not I help? (hail not affift ? fhall not I deliver? If a man break his Arme, or his Leg before ye, you will pity him : but if he break his Arme, or his Leg in your work, or fervice, in a work that you let him about, you count your felf ingaged then tohelp him. 'Tis the workof Chrifi that the Saints are about,andCbrill fets them on work, andwhen Satan comes to tempt, 'tis to ditlurbe them in the work that Ch rift Pets them about : Now therefore, (faies Chrift) (hall they endure all thisbecaufe ofme and becaufe ofmywork? and (hall not I Aft, and defend them, and help them ? Surely I will. Oh ! my beloved, ifye did but knowwhat an Intereft lefus Chrift hath in every beleever, you would eafily fee the teafon of this, fo great tendernefs in him, that his love and mercy is never mote at work, than when they are moll affaulted by Satan. For Application. Andic. What abundance ofComfort is here untoall thole that are the true Difciples ofJefus Chrifl you are not alone in youtemptations, Chrift is with you ; and he is in Heaven too, interceding, and praying for you he hath fent his Spirit into your hearts, to make interceilion for you there and he himfelf is in Heaven, making interceflion and pra- ying for you there : when you are in temptation, Chrift is at prayer for you. Yea, he does notonly pray for you, but his love, and his mercy is moft ofal at work then,when you are moft affaulted. Oh ! what Comfort is this ! But will fume fay, Ifear this comfort belongs net to me, be- Object. caufe I am none ofthefe that are Chrifts true Difciples; Chrift prayedfor Peter, becaufe he war his Difciple, and he prayed for there( becaufe they were his Difciples : but asfor me, though in profegion Imay be aDifciple,yet reallyIfear I am no true Pifciplc ofjefr Chrifi, and therefore Ifear that he does not pray, and in- tercedefor mein the time ofmy temptation. h h 2 Two