Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

296 Satanspower to Tempt; andChrift's love to, Anfm. Two things for anfwer to this. Firft I pray confider that place in the i6. chapter of Matthew, and the 24. verfe. Then Paid Jefua unto his Dila- ples, Ifanyman will comeafter me (or, if any man will be my Difciple, fo Come books hath it) let him deny himfelf, and tape uphis ere, andfellowme. (Mark) Here are Threepro- perties ofa true Difciple. (To open the words a littleun- to ye, that I may fettle this comfort the more fully upon your hearts.) t. Firli. A true Difciple does deny himfelf. So long as a man is in the Rate ofNature, he is alwaies in the Circle of felf, and Satan keeps him in it : but when Chrift comes, he gets out of that Circle, and then he denies himfelf. Self faies, (whether Natural-felf, Civil-fe/f, or Sinful-fe/f) Thou art now minding Chrikand the waies ofChrifi : but mind thy Eftate more, and thyName more,and thyFriends and Relations more, and thy Health more, and thy Pleafures and Recreations more. Nay, (fairs a true Difciple) but I mull mind chrifl more, I muff mind mine ownSou/ more, I mull mind mineEternity more; fo he denies himfelf; his finful-felf; andCivil-fe/f, and Religious-fe/f too : his felf- reafon, and his fe/f-will, and his fe/f-affeEtion. z. Secondly, He does take up his Croft' : A true Difciple takes up his croffe. 'Tis not laid, He doesbear his croffe with patience; there is a great deal ofdifference between there ; Bearing ofa mans crofswith patience when it is laid upon him , and taking up his croffe when it is laid before him. Properly a man is faid to take up his croffe, when there is Sin laidon one fide; and there is a Crone, and an Affli&i- on laid on the other fide Now, either you mull commit this Sin ; or elle you mull endure this Groin, or Afflietion: Nay then, (talesa true Difciple) rather than I will com- mit that fin, I will endure this al:ilia:ion; and fo he takes up his crofs. Thirdly. He does alto FollowChrifi. Some there are, that having fuffered fol. the Name, and CaufeofChrifi ; they then grow Proud oftheir fitfferings, and they fat into foul mifcarriages