Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and careof, his Peopleunder Temptation. 2P7 mifcarriages But a true DifcipleofChrift, when he bath taken up the croffe,he follows Chrift : now properly a man is Paid to followChrift, when he does do thole things at. Chri fis command, wherein Chrift does differ from others. As now, a man is Paid to followLuther, when he does fol- low him in thole things wherein he differs fromCalvin and a man follows Calvin, when he does follow him in thole things wherein he differs from Luther. So a man is laid to followChria, when he follows him in thole things wherein he differs from others. There are fome things wherein Chrift and Nature do agree : .Nature faies, That a man mull do by another, as be would be dealt by himjelf ; Herein Chrift and nature agree. But Chrifffaies, Anewcommon - dement give Iuntoye, That ye love one another, at I have loved you : HereChrift differs from Nature. Nature teaches a man, That there is a God, and that God is to be Prayed unto ; and that a man is to pray for his friends : But now Chrift faies, Prayfor your Enemies. I lay, a man is pro- perlyPaid for to followChriff,when he follows him in that wherein Chrift differs from others. Nowwhofoever thou art that makes this Obje&ion, That thou art not a Difci- pie ofJefus Chrift, and therefore he doesnot pray for thee in the time of thy temptation ; I appeal to ye : Are ye not willing to take upyour croffe ? rather to endure that affii- &ion, than commit this fn? Do ye not let your Pelf to de- ny your Pelf, your Pleafures, Recreations, Relations, and all forChriff ? Anddoye not delre to follow Jefus Chrift in 'thole things wherein he does differ fromAnti-Chrift, and from Nature, and fromMofes? then Purely, thou art a DifcipleofJefusChrill. But befides this, Our Saviour tels us in the 17. of John, That he did not only pray for thole his prefent Difciples ; but ((ales he) Ipray for all thatPallbeleeve on me through their word, verfe the 20. What is it to beleeve on Chrift? To reft upon Chrift for life and glory in the time of our temp- tation ; this is to beleeveon Chrift? Now in the time of your temptation,don't ye reft on Chrift ? don't ye relyeon Chrift 2.