298 Objetl. Satans power to Tempt; andChrifts love to, Chrift °.? then Chrift bath prayed for ye. And though thou art in fuch a temptation, as thou complaineff, thou canft not pray, yet the Lord jefus Chrift bath prayed for thee: and he is heard in all that he prayed for. .But Ifear (will lone fayyet) that the Lord yefu$ Chrift does not pray, or intercede forme in the time of my temptation, becaufe myfaithfailesme; Oh ! my faith bathfailed me in the time of temptation : did Chrift pray for me, myfaith would not fail, for he as heard in all that he prayer for; but Oh ! my faith fails in time oftemptation, and therefore Ifear, that this love andmercy of Chrift, is not at work for me in the time of my temp- tation. An w. i For Anfwer, Firft, There is a great deal of difference between the failing ofyour Faith, and the failing of your Heart. Poffibly, your Heart may fail in time of temptati- on, and yet not your Faith. Look I pray into the 73. Ffilm, the 2 6 . verfe, and you (hall find as much, Sales the Halm& there, ./Lfyfej7," andmy heart faileth. I but did not his Faith fail now See what he faies ; his faith Bands notwithilanding this ; But God is theflrength ofmy heart, and my portion for ever : here's his faith. So that though his flefh failed, andhis heart failed ; yet his faith did not fail. There is a great deal ofdifference between a recoy ling fit of a heart-failing in time of temptation, and the failing of ones faith. 2. Secondly, It is one thing for you to fail in your faith in our own opinion ; and another thing foryourfaith tofail in the opinion of Yefus Chrift. When Peter denied his Lord and Mailer, in his own opinion he could not but think that his faith failed ; and yet in the opinion of Terns Chriff his faith did not fail; for Chrift prayed that his faith should not fail, and it did not fail, for Chrift was heard in what he prayed for. Thirdly, There is great deal of difference, between thefailing offaith, andfailings that do accompany faith. The poor wo- man that came to Chrift, and touched the hem of his gar- ment, failed very much, for thee came behinde him and thought