Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care e, his People under Temptation. ....Nweesmosseamsealx..... egg thought to have itolen a cure: I but, though there were many failings that did accompany her faith, yet her faith did not fail; for the came and touched the hem of his gar.. tent, and was cured by her faith. So I fay, there is a great deal of difference between the failing of faith, and the failings that do accompany faith : there may be many fai- lings that doaccompany ones faith, and yet ones faith may fland, and not fail. But yet further, Whofoever you are, that fay your faith 4. fails you, and therefore you are afraid that Chrift prayes not for you : Man or woman, Did thy faith ever fail thee like Peters ; didft thou ever deny thy Lord and Mailer as Peter did and yet Chrifl laid, Ihave prayed that thy faith fail not, and he was heard in the thing that he prayed for. Oh ! but, that was butone Aidin Peter; but my faith cloth Objetf. eonflantlyfail; Peter denied, andhisfaithfailed in the exercife as to one Aa, but my faith Both conflantlyfail in time of tempta- tion : Iwas heretofore more able to beleeve in the time ofmy temp- tation than now lam ; my faith is failed, and it conflantly and thereforeI fear that the Lord Chrifi will notpray for me in the time ofmy temptation. Well, But ifyou be more able to relye upon meer free-grace, Aaftv, than ye havebeen heretofore, thenyourfaith is not lefe, but increa- fed rather. Ifyou be now moreable to be contented with your condition, than you were heretofore. If you can let God and Chrift alone, to ufe his own means about you. Ifyou can leave the Events and fucceffes of things, more unto God than you coulclileretofore; then your faith is not failed, but rather increa fed. Man or woman, if that you are ablenow to take thofe hints ofa word which you could not heretofore. If your judgment be more fetled in theTruth. If you be more contented tocutler now for the Cattle, and the way of God than you were heretofore Then thy faith is not failed, but thy faith is increafed ra- ther and fo thou cornett withinthe compaffe of the Lord Chriffs prayer. . Oh!