302 andcare of, hispeople under Temptation. So a wicked man,that is notin:thrift, he may cry out and fay, Oh ! temptationsare upon me, and Chrift is departed from me, I have none of Chrift to help me : as for the Saints, and thole that are true Difeiples of 'eras Christ, theyhave Chriftat hand, though they fall, Chrifi isby for to help them up. And Chrift himfelf meafures out all theirtemptations, and Chrift aflifts them, and helps them, butOh ! as forme; I am all alone in my temptations, I poor foul, am all alone:in my temptations: Ah ! who would be a Drunkard hill ? who would be a Swearer !till ? who would be an Unclean wanton fill] ? who would be a lyar, and a Theevifh fervant Rill ? Let me tell ye, that while yego on in theferlins, you are out of Chriii : Poor foul, a Swearer, a Drunkard, a commonLyar, a Sabbath- breaker, a Wanton, out ofChrift, and thy temptations fall heavilyupon thee; theLord knowes, thou art all alone in the time of thy temptations : Oh! but; get-into Jens Chrift, get into jefus Chrift, tobe in the number of Chrifts true Di fciples ; and when thou art tempted, the Lord prayes for thee ; yea , and the love and mercy of Chrift is never more at work for thee, than when thouart moil temp- ted, and aflaulted by Satan. What a mighty incourage- ment is here to al that hear the wordofthe Lord, to get in- to Jefus Chrift! But ifl be godly; and al this be true : Why thould I quell- ion the love ofGod towards me in the timeofmy temptati- on? Beloved yeknow it in your Experience, yeare never more apt for toqueftion thelove ofChrist, than in tempta- tion ; and yet Chriftslove is never more at work for you, than in temptation. Oh ! what an unworthy anfwering ofChrifts love is here! Again, IfI be Godly : Why fhould I not be contented,.' and quiet under all my temptations, though they be never fo great ? Chrifi prayeth for me, Chrifts love is molt at work now I am molt affaulted, his bowels then yern to- wards me. Yea, If I be Godly : Why fhould I not with I' aril Tri- umph: