Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

&tanspower toTempt; andChrifts love to, umphover all temptations? and make my boafi of Chrift, and fay as he did, Now know I, that nothing "ball leparate me from the love ofGod in Chrifi; not Principalities,nor Powers nor Devils, nor Temptations for when I ammolt tempted Chrift is molt at work in love for me. Yea, (beloved in the Lord) why fhould wenot all warm our hearts with this loveof jefus Chrift ? it's a mercy that the Lord Chrift will call but an eye, or a look upon a poor foul under temptation ; that is a mercy : I but, I tell ye more than fo ; Chrifi does not only call an eye, and a look upon a poor tempted foul, but his love and mercy is never more at work, than when you are moil affaulted, and tempted by Satan: Ah, what grace, and heart-warming love is here ! If I be Godly : (again) upon this account, why fhould I giveover fo Coon, and lay down my weapon in time of temptation ? Ifa Citybe beleaguer'd, befieged, and know that help will come, they will not giveover. And though I am thus beheged, and thus tempted, help will certainly come, for Chrift hath prayed ; why fhould I give over then in time of temptation ? And if thefe thingsbe fo, if therebe fo much love in the heart ofChrift towards poor tempted fouls: then (belo- ved) fhouldwe not all run toChrifi in the time, and hour ofour temptation, run unto him by prayer ? It may be there are fome that will fay, IfChrifi pray for Qp...left. us in time of temptation, what needwepray ? But I pray look into this chapter, and youwill find our Anfw. Saviour carriesit otherwife. In the text, faits he, But h,-I4yed for thee, that thy faith fail not At the 46. verfe, TIh)alleep ye ? (Wales he ), rife and pray, left ye enter into temptation. So that, though he had faid, That he prayed for them, yet he cals upon them alfo to pray. It's good praying (mybeloved )when mercy is coming : andmercy is then coming when Chrifi is praying ; and when you are moil tempted, then Chaff is at prayer. But to end all. What ever your temptations there- i a fore 303 .C.1*.X.,7,