......,.', 304 Satanspower to Tempt; axd Chrift's Jove to, fore be, you that are the fervants of God, fill think ye hear Chrift laying to ye, Man,Woman,beofgood comfort, I have prayed for you : though thy temptations be very great, I have prayed for thee : though thou canft not pray for thy felf as thou wouldff, I have prayed for thee : when flefh fails, and eyes fail, and heart fails, and all fails, yet remember this, Chrift prayeth foryou, in the time of your temptation Chrift prayeth for you : think that ye hear Chrift fpeaking to ye in the time of your temptation, for certainly he does it as well to his Difciplesnow as he did to his Difciples then, he does fpeak and fay, Be of good corn. fort,man or woman, though thy temptationsbe great, yet I haveprayed for thee, ancIthy faith (hall not fail. VAtan.o.ThparapelWar9.....a FINIS. MO`UffMK44UOMffma,