Thankfulnels requiredin every condition, is made up ofboth, 'cis a twi-light : Some good in every condition, and therefore, in Every thing we are to give Thanks unto God. 'Tis thedutyofa Chriflian to be like unto }reins ChriCt Rear, 3. he was thankful in Every thing. Whenhehad not where- on to lay his head, Father, I thankthee. When he was to Matth. go to his agony, and fweat drops ofblood ; they fang an 11.25. Hymne, (fares the text) a Pfalm of Praife. So, when a Chriflian is to go tohis agony : what ever agony he meets withal, there is rife enough yet for his Thankfulnefle : In Every thing be thankful. As the Apoille hash it in the 5. to the Epheflaw, and the 20. Giving :hanks alwaies, for all things unto God, even thefather,in the Name ofour Lord yefus Chrifi. You will fay, Suppofe that a Chriflian meet withfame long, heavy, and (harp 401 :lion : is he to be 2hanlifnl then ? to be Thankful in that condition ? Yes, Look I pray into the 24. of Efay, and the 15. verfe. In* Wherefore(faies he) glorifieye the Lord in theftres,ev en the Name ofthe Lord Godof Ifrael in the Ifles ofthe Sea. Glorifie ye the Lord in the fires ; fo ye reade it. Some rather tranflate it thus: Glorifie ye the Lord in Dotirines, Vrim, the fame word that we tranflate, Vrim, for the Urim and Thununim : But I would rather tranflate it Val/eyes; fo Calvin : for DoEtrines does no: fate with that which follows : Glorifie ye the Lord in the Valleye r, even the Name of theLord God of Ip. rael in the Ifles of the Sea. A Valley is a low place, and dark : now (faies he) though ye be in a dark condition, removed from light ; Glorifie the Lord4R the Valleyes, glorifie the Lord there. And good reafon why the Saints fhould do fo : as yewill fee , ifyou look into the 1. ofZachary, and the S. verfe. I faw by night, andbehold, a man riding upon a red horfe, and he flood among the myrtle-trees that were in the bottom, and behind himwere there red horfes, fPec(led and white. This man upon a red horfe plainly muft be meant Chrift : who is here attended with red hor- fes, fpeckled and white, to fend forth, and difpatch into the 307