Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

508 Thankfulnels required in.every condition. the feveral parts of the world tilon his deign. Thefe o- ther red holies, they arebehind him, waiting upon him : Nowwhere is Christ? He is among the myrtle-trees : And where are the Myrtle-trees ? T hey are in the hottom. 1 he Saints, and people ofCod for their fruitfulneffe they are called Myrtle-trees, and Ictretimes their condition is as a Valley ; they are in the bottcm ; but yet they are Myrtletrees in the hottcm, and itfus Chili is among thefe 1V1yrtle-trees though they be in a bottom, though they be in a Valley : and therefore no wonder that we fhould praife, and glorife Cad in this condition. Felo- ved IN hat we may rejoyce in, that we may praife Cod writ. I. for : Now, taes the Apcitie, .1 et the brother of low-degree re- to. jnyce in that h e iJ exalted : ard let the brother of high degree re- ,Rcm 3 juce in that he h made low : Fejojce in7rilnlettion. Aman is . 5. to rejoyce more for the opportunity of exercifng grace, than in all pre fperity : there are force graces that cannot be exercifeci but in Tribulation, cannot be exercifed in Feaven ; Patience, and the like. Now then, when 1 ribu- lation con.cs , a Chritlian Ihould thus look upon it. I have hereby an opportunity ofexercifing that grace, that I had not before, and then he will bleffeCod, and then he will be thankful in alai condition : when Cod takes a- way one mercy, he gives another : if he take away 1Wofes, he will give a logua : jibe take away Fly, he will give a Samuel : if hewill take away Chrififpeefora/prefnce, he to it fend the ho,:y Chrig. And the truth is, he does not fo much takeaway, as borrow a mercy ; and he payes it again with ufery, and advantage : Oreftnti6 goes away like a thief from i"bilemon ;but he returns again with profit to him and others. As for thefe outward things, they will prove but debts at the great day of Judgment : riches now, and gifts now but debts then : and thehue ye have ofthefe out- ward things, the lege ye have to reckon for them. In a badday, men they fay, Ch ! that l had leis, my reckoning would be leIh : the leffe ye have, the leiyour reckoning will be. The comfort ofa mans life, confifis not inMuch- nefl,