Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Thankfulnels required in every condition. ';°9 -- -- - ---- 1 nef;, but fitnefi to his heart. - Ifa man have a great Farm, t and a fmall frock, it is the only way to break him : it's better to hive a Farm .fit for ones flock, than a great Farm. The Lord he fees what our flock of grace is, and accor- dingly he provides a Farm for every one of his Children ; and fometimes it is leffened, bat the reafon is, becaufe the flock of grace is no bigger, they have no more grace to 1 flock it withal. Our (Sifts, and our Parts, and our Profpe. rity they are fo ftrong fometimes, that Cod is fain to min- gle water therewithal, that we maynot be drunk. I ap- peal to you : arenot the Saints gainers by all their loffes ? are not they flrengthened by all their weakneffe ? are not they bettered by all their croffes ? Surely then, in all things they are to be thankful : though their affii6tion be exceeding long, (harp, and grievous 5 yet they are to be thankful in that condition. But fuppofe now, that it be PerfecutiOn that a man is to be exer- &well. cifed with ?and that is bitter : is a Chriflian to be Tbanlifiil then, even in that condition ? Yes, ye knowwhat the Apoftle faies; Toyou it is given, Anfro. not only to beleeve, but to fuffer. Gods gift is worth our Phil. I. thanks. And faies the Apoftle, All(hall turn to the furthe- 29. ranee ofthe Go/Pel . Is it not a great matter, and worth our Phil. I. praife, thankfulneffe ; that we fhould be trufted by God to 22. bear witneffe to his Truth ? For this came I into the world yohn,iS. (faies Chri(t) that 1 might bear witnefi to the Truth : It was 37. his defign ; thereby ye are like to him, and fo honour him. When were the Churches, and people of God more pure than under Perfecution ? and is it not a great mercy to be kept pure? The more you fuffer for any Truth, the more that Truth fhall be fpread byyou : you die, but the Truth lives : yourEftate dies, and your Name dies, and your Li- berty dies; but your dyingEftate, gives a living teftimo- ny unto the Truth. When I am lift up faies Chrift, (mea- ,oh. 12. ning upon the Croffe) I will draw all men after me : And fo 23 (hall youdo, when you are lift up upon the Croffe for any Truth, ye (hall draw all men after that Truth that ye are k k lift