Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

310 Thankfulnefs requiredin every condition. lift up for. When have ye more communion with Jefus Chrift, than when ye fuffer molt for his Truth ? Is it not a great mercy for a man to be glorified on this fide heaven? pray look upon that expreflion which ye have in the 13. of :John, the 3o. and the 31. verfes, ' Paid concerning Chrift himfelf, that when Yudas went out, having received the fop Jefus faith, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him. Verfe the 3o. Judas, having received the fop, trent immediately out, and it was night : therefore when he wasgone out, JefusPtith,Now is the fon ofman glorified. Judas went oat to betray him, to bring him to the Croffe, a Wife brother was gone out.: Now is the fon of man glorified (faies he)Not only,becaufe thecrofs was the way to glory; but the truth is, he was glorified upon the Croffe, there was a glory there. You may obferve it, He did many mira- cles : and when he had done thofe miracles, he did not fay then, Now is the fon ofman glorified. He was Transfigu- red : and he did not fay upon his Transfiguration, Now is the fonof man glorified : But now he comes to fuffer, now he conies to the Croffe ; now (faies he) is the fon of man glorified. And indeed, now is his love to poor fin- ol.2.15 tiers glorified. The Apofile faies, He triumphedover allprin- cipalities andpowers upon the Croffe; and his love triumphs over all our fins, and our guilt, and our unworthineffe Oh ! then was free-grace, and love when Ch rift was upon theCroffe : Now is the fon of man glorified. And fo it (hall be with you : When a falfe brother goes out toperfe- ewe you, to betray you, to bring you to the Croffe : you may fay fo, Now is the fervant oft he Lord glorified, now is my love to Chrift glorified ; never more glorified than now. This makes the Apofile Peter fpeak in the I. Peter, 4. 16. Ifany manInfer as a Chriflian, let him not be afhamed, but let him [lorife God on this behalf. 'Tis matter of Praife, and Thankfgiving here : faies he (at the 13. verfe) Rejgce in as much as ye are partakers of Chrifis fuierings. Verfe the 14. Ifye be reproach'tfor the name of Chrifi, happy are ye; for the Spirit ofglory, andofGod refteth on you. That is (faies one upon