Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

312 Thankfulnefs required in every condition. Jeff. Anftv. Job. x6. 33. fo 'tis with a Chriflian. Though ChM may withdraw hisComforting prefence, yet he never withdraws his Sup- porting prefence from them. Befides, jefusChrifi does Co withdraw from a Chriflian as he doesdrawwithall by his Spirit. He feemed to with- draw from the Canaanitifhwoman, but he did draw her to him by his Spirit. When he withdraws in the 5. of the Canticles from his Spoufe, he leaues Myrrhe upon the rin- gles of the door. And fo, when he withdraws from a Chriiiian, he leaues his Myrrhe upon the ringles of the heart : the heart cannot be quiet, cannot reff, takes no con- tentment without him, he does draw the foul to him, while he feems to withdraw from the foul. Lailly, What a man would not lofe for all the world, that, youwill fay, is worthyofPraire, and Thankfulnefs. Now take a gracious foul, a godly man when he is moil de- ferted, forfaken, left, as it were; and he faies, nowMercy is gone, now Chrift is gone : Ask him but this Queflion : If Chriff be gone, as you fay, why don't you renounce Chriff, and renounceall his wales ? He will tell you, Oh ! no, I darenot renounce him for all the world. But if he be quite gone, Why don't you turn Drunkard ? why don't you turn Swearer ? and why don't you caft off all duties ? Oh ! no, th at I dare not : I have yet fomething left, that I would not lofe for all the world. Is there not thenmatter ofPraire, and Thanksgiving in this condition? Surely there is , even in this condition alfo. Butyou will fay : Suppofe that a man be oppreffedwith fad Temptations, black and dark Temptations ; God does not only withdraw, but Satan draws neer, heavy, and dreadful Temptations preffe in upon him : is it the will of God the Father, that he fhould be Thankful in this condition alfo ? Yes, For is it not matter of Praife (think ye) and Thankfulneffe, that your Enemy is overcome before you hike a ftroke ? you (hall be more than Conquerers : write your Enemy overcome before you fight. Be ofgood comfort (faies,