Thankfnlnefs required in every condition. 313 (faies Chrift) Ihave overcome the world; and fo the god of the world:Satan : your Enemy isovercome before youdo ftrike a ftrake. Betides, Is it not matter of Praife, and Thankfgiving, That Satan can tempt you no more, than your own Father gives him leave to do ? Simon, Simon, (faies Chrift) Satan Ittke,23 bath defired thee, that he may winnow thee as wheat : Mark the 31. words. He bath defired: he was fain to aske leave firft, he could not winnow Peter till he had leave. And he could not winnow yob till he had leave : he hath not po- wer to temptyou further than your ownFather gives him leave. Again, Is it not matter ofPraife, and Thankfgiving, That nothing hath befallen you, but what hath befallen the belt of Gods Children, the greateft Saints? Men fay fomtimes,Oh! never any ones condition like to mine: never any affli&ion like to mine. The molt godly men have been moil forely tempted. In the old Tefiament : David , a man after Gods own heart : 'tis faid of him; The Devilflood I Chr.on. up, andmovedhim to number thepeople. What a report did 21. God give ofJob : and you know his winnowing, and his continuance. In the new Ie./lament : Two famous Apoilles Paul and Peter. Peter, Satan bath defired to winnow thee : Paul, a niefenger Satan,fent to buffet him. And our Lord ,je- Ins Chrift himfelf, In all things tempted, that he might[memo Heb.2.18 thofe that are tempted. Oh ! beloved ,how gracious will jefus Chrift be to tempted ones, that came from heaven on purpofe to be gracious to them! Further, Is it not matter of Praife, andThankfgiving, That you have alwaies one for to run unto,to fuccour you, to relieve you in your temptations? a brafen ferpent up againft you be thing ? Paul, therefore, in that 7. oftheRo- mans: Having faid, 0wretched man that dam, who Pall de- liver mefrom this body ofdeath ? in the next words faies : thankGod through jefuf Chrift. When Satan is tempting, Chrift is praying, interceding : Satanbath defired tovpinnow Luke 3 - 2,1 thee, (faies he) but lhaveprayed. You cannot pray : True-I 31. 117,1