Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

354 Thankfulnefs required in everycondition. si ly, fometimes we pray molt, when we pray leaft, for Chrifi prayes for us. Again, Is it not matter of Praife, and Thankfgiving, Thatyehave filch an Efate that thefe theeves can never robyou of ? A Chriftian is a Traveller : the Thiefmeets him, and takes his money that he hash about him : But he hath an Inhe- ritance of Land at home, the Thiefcannot take away from him. And Satan by his Temptations poflibly may rob you of thefe Comforts that are about you : But you have an Inheritance, andEllate (Chriftian) in heaven, that (hall never be taken away, that you (hall never be robbed of. Ple conclude this, Is it not matter ofPraife,and Thankf- giving,ihat by this mudyou 'hal be more cleanfed? Beloved! this is Chrills way : he coffers men to be tempted, that they may be freed from more temptations, and he fuffers this dirt to be call upon thein,that theymay be the more cleanfed. Si- mon, Simon (faies our Saviour) Satan bath defired to winnow thee as wheat : How fo ? Satangoes up and down like a roaring Lyon, feeling whom be may devour. True, that is his intent in his Temptations ; Satans intent in the temptation, is not to winnow, that is Chrids intent : Satans intent, in the temptation is to devour, but jefus Chrifts intent in Al thole temptations are to winnow. And who more knowing ? whomore gracious ? who more humble? whomore thank- ful than thole that have been moft a ffaulted witha temp- tation ? Pray ()Vervewhat is laid in the 2 of the Corinth!, 2 Chapter 7 verfe. Saies Patel. Left I fhculd be exalted a- bove meafure through the abundance of revelations, there WMgi- ven me a thorne in the field", the Pufnger Satan, (fo it may be read without, of.) The megenger Satan to bade't me, left Ifhould be exalted above meafure, again. Fee how that goes before and follows : it begins theverfe, and ends the verfe Left I/horrid be exalted above meafitre, at the beginning of the verfe : Lefi I fhould be exalted above meafure, at the latter end ofthe verfe. As ifnow, that there temptations were fpecial prefervations againdfpiritual pride : 'tis let down twice, Leaft I fhould beexalted abovemeafure; again, and again,