316 Anfry. Thankfulnefs required in every condition. You will fay unto me; What ecial thing is there that we fhouldbe7hanliful unto Godftr in thefe times? Hath the Lord done fuch great things for England, and art thouonly a hanger in Ifrael ? Did ever Englandhear of fuch a year as this last year hath been ? Can any Records tell us of fuch a year ? May I not fay, Stand out, 0 all ye Ancient Records. from your duft, and tell us from the firfi day of Englands birth, Did ever England fee fuch a year as this hath been ? wherein the Power, and Mercy, and Free- grace of God bath rode inTriumph throughout the King- dome? Yet that I maynot be wanting toyou, toyour Qieflion : look I pray into the '07. Ffalm, the 1, and the 2. verfes : ye (hall find it written : 0Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, or his mercy irtduresfor ever :. Let the redeemed ofthe Lord fayfo whom he loath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. See who are to fay fo : let the Redeemed of the Lord fay fo, whom he bath Redeemed from the hand of the enemy. Beloved ! ye know that not longElite we were inCaptivi- ty, I mean, a Spiritual Captivity : we fate down by the waters fide, and Paid, How thanwe do to fing a Chriflian fong ? TheLord hath Redeemed us, he bath Redeemedus out ofthe hand of our Enemies. And if the Lord hath not Redeemed you out of the hand of your Enemy : don't fay fo : but ifhe have, Let the Redeemedof the Lord fay fo. &fides, Is it not worth our Thankfulnefs, that we have had fo many daies of Thankfgiving together? A day of Failing and Prayer, is a fweet day : a Thankfgiving-day fweeter, if I may make compare : For in a day of Failing and Prayer, wedeal with the anger, and wrath, and dif- pleafure of God : In a day ofThankigiving with the love ofGod, and the mercyofGod. In a day of Fatting and Prayer, we exerciie Grief: But in a day of Thankigiving, weexercife joy, and love. Ina dayof Failing and grayer, your eye is upon your fins : In a day ofThankfgiving, up- on your graces, to be Thankful for them. As the fifh fwims