Thankfulnefs requiredin every condition. 311 fwims upon the top of the water when the Sun (nines; which in a form layat thebottom : and wood, and flicks tumbled upand down, and thofe were feen. So in a day ofThan kfgiving, thereye fee and take noticeofyour own graces, to be thankful for them. In a day of Failing and Prayer, fometimes, ye are fohumbled for fin committed, as the fence ofyour Juitification is quite fhattered : But in the day of Thankfgiving, your affurance for heaven is fealed: they are fweet daies. And beloved you have had many of themof late ; and furely this is worthour Praife. But give me leave a little to Enumerate ; for Enumera- tion isone kind of Argument: Hath not the Lord from heaven, owned his own Cattle in the hands of his fervants, our brethren in the field ? Hath not the Lord heard your Prayers ? Hath not the Lord opened many Minesof preci- ous Truths that ye never knew before? Hath not the Lord delivered you from the hand of a favadge Enemy ? Thofe that lay among the pots, brought forth withdoves-wings: Vi&ory after ViEtory ; one treading upon the heel ofano- ther, overtaking another? Does he not daily load you with his benefits'? I cannot fay, as David in the 9. Pfalm, and the i.verfe: 1 will praife thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart : Iwill Pew forth all thy marveilous works. The for- mer part, I willpraife thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart, you will fay : But the latter part, Iwit/ fberr forth all thy mar. yellow works ; Who can fay? they are beyond us. And nowBeloved, if it be our duty to PraifeCod, to be Thankful to him in every condition, when we are low : than we not be thankful to him now, that the Lord 'bath railed us, and fill'd us thus ?' You will fay, There's one thing that binders PT in the wor4 0b,jet. of Praife and Thanksgiving in tbefe times : Feformation isnow begun, and things do not fucceed according to our dcfres in the matter of -.Reformation: fhould we ? can we be Thattlititl now ? res, Utile Lordgive rnea Child : fbould nct I be Thank- -4nra'. full for it, becaufe it is not borne a man ? When the lets 1 1 (milt