tied, and he WeftGod, and his A ffii&ion was a bleffing to thing,when ye are low ; the more peace (hall your heart, with a Thankful heart, it will turn it intogold. him fó {hall it be with you. Touch but thy Affif6tion want peaceof Confcience ; and ye fay : Oh ! that I had and your foul be fild with. Some of you, (it may be) Moreover, The more you can be Thankful for any Thankfulnefs required in every condition peace within, whatever becomeofme Outwardly : whatfo- ever the world do with me, Oh! that I had peace within. To this purpofeconfider the 4. to thePhilippians : faies the Apofile Beye in nothing careful (at the 6. verfe) but in every thing,by prayer, andfupplication, with than4rgiving; let your requells be made known unto God. And the peace of God which paffeth all underfiandingPall keepyour hearts and minds through chriji Pius. This is the way to get a great, and a full peace : Be in nothing careful : be in all things Thankful, then the peace ofGod (hall guard you. Befkles, Hereby ye (hall fhame the Devil : your great adverfary (hall retreate from tempting ofyou, as one afha- med and confounded. Some there are that fhame the Saints : and are a flame to the waies of God, the Gofpel : Some there are that fhame the Devil : The Devil Paid unto Godconcerning Job, Do but touch Nina, andhe will curfe thee to thyface. faies the Lord, He is in thy hand, only fave hit life : and Satan touch't him: what then The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away ; bleffed be hit Name. The Devil Paid, he would Curie God, and he bid-les God : See how the De- vil is fham'd, andconfounded here. Some there are that make the Devils words good : Touch him, and he will curie thee to thyface : and fo doTome do, and thereby they are a fhame indeedunto thepeopleofGod, and the waies of God. But when people can bleffe God under Afilietion : ifye in every thing be Thankful ; the Devil is confounded, God is much honoured. Wherefore (beloved) as ye defire that God may be muchhonoured by you: the Devil confoun- ded : your own peace fetled : all your affii6tions turned intobleffings : and the Lord engag'd to you, to raife you up 321 3. 4.