522 Thankfulnefsrequiredin every condition. upwhen ye are low : learnout this lefTon, not only to be Thankful whenye arefull, but to be Thankful when ye are empty, to be in every thing Thankful, this is the will ofGod your Father. e fl. How (hall wedo this ? (youwill fay :) how muff that be done ? Some few things in anfwer to that, and fo I will wind up all. 21nfrv. 1 Firft, Obferve your own temper and accommodate your felves: put thy felfupon that duty, and that grace, which thine own difpofition lies next unto. God bath given us this indulgence. is any 446fed ? let himpray is 13. any merry ? let him fing kfalms. According toyour difpo- fition (faies he) that is the meaning : So let your work be, fo let your grace be. It may be thou canft not Pray : by that time thou haft been at another duty that thydifpofiti- on lies more unto, next unto, thou wilt be fit to pray. It may bethou canft not Sing : by that time thou haft been at Prayer, which thy difpofition lies next unto, thou wilt be fit to Sing, Let us not be more cruel to our fouls than Cod is : he bath given us this indulgence : obferve your felves, accommodate your felves ; and by this means you (hall be able upon all occafions to bleffe and praife the Lord. 2 Again. Fe fore ofthis, that you maintain your Allis- rance frefh, and green. It's a hard thing for a man to be thankful in every thing, that wants Affurance, Come to him for to praife Cod for a great work : but it may be (faies he)it came in Judgment to me, I haveno Affurance. Strengthen your ANuance in thefe Three things, and it will caufe continual Thankfulneffe, Thankfulneffe in eve- ry thing : Affurance ofyour Interefi in Chrift, and Uni- on with him : Affurance that all conies from love : Affu- rance that all things work together for your good : and then lithe Tempter come, and faies, Wilt thou praife the lord ? doll dicta not fee how all thy acquaintance bath left thee? and all thy friends left thee ? you will an- fwer