Thankfulnefs required in everycondition. 323 fwer again, I but, all this is for my good, and all this comes out oflove, and fowhat ever tals out, you will be thankful in every thing. Defire not Much : he that defires much, will expea much ; and he that expeas much, he won't be content with little, much leffe "Thankful for every thing. Yacob was aplain-hearted man : he &fired little, he was content with lefs, hewas Thankful for every thing. So mutt you be. And if you dodefire much, let your eye be as much upon what ye have: as upon what ye want. The Covetous rich man, having a defire to have more is not Thankful for what he hath : if you come to borrow money of him : (Tales he) I have need to borrowofyou, I am a very beg- garb I have nothing. His eye is fo much upon what he wouldhave,he forgets what he hath. So many times it Pals out fpiritually : let your eye therefore be as well upon what you have, as upon what youwant. Lafily, Ee fine of this, that you maintain the fenfe of your own unworthinefs. No man more Thankful than David ; no man more fenfible of his unworthinefs than David: Continually thankful ; Continually fenfible of his unworthines. There is a Two-fold unworthines : Creature- unworthinecs: and Sinful-unworthinefs. Accordingly a Two-fold fence ofunworthinefs : One that arifes from the apprehenfion ofcreature-unworthines,ofthe emptines that is in us as Creatures : And another that arifes from fenfe of guilt of fin. See them both in the 8. Pfalm : The Pfalmift there praifes the Lord : 0 Lord our God, (verfe the i.) how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth I when I confider the bea, vens,the tasor ofthy fingers, what is man that thou art mindful ofhim ? and the Son ofman that thou vifiteft him. He praifes the Lord, this Thankfulnefs was railed from the fenfe of unworthinefs, it was Creature-unworthinefs : Lord, what is man ? 0Lord our God, how excellent is thy Name in all the earth ! Lord, what is man ? Look into the x16. Pfaim : and there ye find the Pfalmift praifing God upon the fence of unworthinefs too : Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our