324 ThankfUlnefe required in every condition. our God is Merciful. (verfe the 12.) What(hall /render to the Lordfor all his benefits towards me ? here'shis Thankfulnefs 5 it was railed upon fence of unworthinefs : But what un- worthinefs ? Sinful unworthinefs : (verfe the i i.) IPaid in my haft ; all men are yars : what that! Irender to the lord for all his benefits towards me ? He was fenfible ofhis own un- worthinefs, and it was a fn ful unworthineft : Ifaidin my haft ; all men are lyar r : yec God is gracious to me, What _Pall I render to the Lord for all his benefits? So now it will be with you : if yecan but keep the fenfe ofyourown unwor- thinefs, you wil fay; I was a wretched, and a great fanner, and though I have but little in theworld, yet any thing is toomuch for one that was fuch a great (inner as I was : you will be Thankful for every thing, in every thing Thankful, maintain but this. Beloved ! ye fee how in all thefe troubles of thefe times, God hash given us our livesfor a prey. As the Lord faid concerning Job. Only ob,26. are his life: So path the Lord faid concerning us, fpare their lives. God did not deal fo by our Saviour Chrift : when our Saviour Chrift came into the world, he met with hard dealing from wicked men, and his life went for it 5 he did not fay, Only fare his life 3 his life went for it. You have more in this refpeEt than our dear Saviour had : yeti haveyour lives given you for a prey in there evil times, our Saviour-had not. Shall we not then be Thankfull in every thing ? having more than our Saviour had in this re- fpea-. : than we not be Thankful for any thing ? for any thing that God gives us, {hall we not now be Thankful ? How many are there, that walke direEtly contrary unto this Truth that I have fpread before you ? In every thing Thankful, and they in nothing Thankful, in nothing con- tented : Husband godly ; Children hopeful ; Eilate com- fortable; and yet never contented : Servants cannot pleafe, Children cannot p1 cafe, friends cannot pleafe; never con- tented: Oh! is this a duty, to be in every thing Thank- ful ? how do they lie in a fin, and thebreach of this corn- mandernent, that are in nothing contented, never plefed ? Beloved !