Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Thankftiiners repired in eves condition, 325 Beloved! I don't now come to call for contentment, and patience, and quiernefs under Affliaion ; but for Thank- fulnefs : and not for thankfulnefs only when all goes well with you ; but for Thankfulnefs in every thing. Oh ! therefore, let us return untoour own fouls, confider how it bath been with us. ifthere be ever a difcontented man or woman reade this Sermon : confider this Scripture : TheLord faies, be in every thing Thankifttl, and thou hall been in nothing Thankful, in nothing contented in thy condition. Oh ! how will you anfwer it at thegreat day? Let me leave this Exhortation with you, in your boroms the Lord knows into what condition we may come; whe- ther into Atlii0ion, or Perfecution, or Defertion, or of Temptation : Remember, here lies your duty beforeyou lay it up, in your hearts : the will ofGod, even our I' ober, that 31,6 pen/4 be Thankful to him in every thing : not in Lome things, not when things go well only; when we have Vietory but in all things Thankful : In every thing give I Thoinl'is unto God, for thin is the will of God or Father cancer- ningyou, F I N I S. ,artartAnAna211 mm Uff"450' ffif