449144444.441414491414$4******** grirtt$INV,4$1 To the Reader. Hat we may at lean aay the longings of many thirfty Souls with a fweet Rellifh of a promifing Vintage of new Wine this year, we have flipt off this Second ripe Clufter of Grapes from its fellows, which if it be fqueezed in the hand of Faith, will prove it felt tobe fo rich, fragrant and fparkling with the the Blood, Juyce and Spirit of the Gofpe!, that it needs not the Purple of our Epiale RCCOM mendatory to welcom it to any, that are in truth the living Branches of the true Vine ; Yet to the end we may happily invite Tome that are without to come in, that they alfo may both fee and tate how good the Lord is to the Children of the Bride chamber. READER, Stand a while at the Well head, with the poor woman of Samaria, admiring the infinite dimenfions of thole waters of Life that are fountain'd up inTerme Chrift , of whole fulneft we All receive evengracefor grace. A 2 The