To the geader. Nec Chriflus nec Ccelum patitur Hyperbolum. Sic Lutheras. The Saints may be brim full of the holy Spi- rit, 35 Steihen was, but its according to meafure, a Veffel fulnefs ; but Chrift above or without mea- lure, a Spring. fulnefs, which is not onely reple- dye, but diffufive, unfearehable, unmeafurable. The great ocean is too little to ftradow out the owl flowings of this fulnefs ; for take away a drop or two from thence, it preiently {Lifters a di minution : But though this Fountain of Salvation fhould fled abroad his love upon- all the world of the Elea (as the waters cover the Sea) yet it is ever full running over : There is not the lefs light or heat in this Sun of Righteoufnefs , though .he daily arifeth with healing in his wings unto them that fear his Name from Eaft to Weil He is yeflera'ay, to day, and for ever the ('acne. This is no Hyperbolie, but, the language of Canaan. Oh that this unipeakable Fulnefs of I leaven and Earth, or Saints aid Angels, that fills All in All , did now conllrain thee to caft thy empty Pitcherinto thefeDepths of his Grace,fo thouldit thou with this beloved Evangefig, and the reit that are included in this, WE A L L receive even grace for grace. To as Faith U theprincipal ufe which dircaly flows out from every Doctrine about Jefus Chrig. We (hall L4ppeal unto thee ( whore eye is fixed I on this full Bookof Grace) Is not ful4 in other things a Conquering golden Argument ? Did not yofephs treafore of ccrn prevail with good old lacib and his Sons ro go down into Egypt ? And (hall not this one Go#el lofepb (who alone is the Bread ---I