Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

To the reader. Bread of Life that once came down from Heaven ! to feed hungry fouls) engage thee (almoff famifh led) tocome unto him for this Staff of Life, that'; !thou mayeft liver Were they not the Floods of milk and honey that did run down the Promifed Land, that did fet the Ifraelites teeth on edge to be there t' And (hall not the overflowing! of Chri s heart in heaven towards finners on earth, make the to hunger andshill after his Righteoufnef?, who is the Lord our Righteoupefs' ? Was it not the Abundance of Solomons natural wifdom (which was as a con- ftellation of Stars in his Crown) that invited the Queen of Sheba to travel from the utmost parts of Arabia to kneel before his Throne ? And is there not agreater then Solomon here ? who is the bright- nerof his Fathersglory, and the expref? Image of his perfon, full of grace and truth ? Oh where, where then are the Spiritual adings of thy Soul upon him ! Abrahams Faith was a very lively, vigorous, and a more then conquering Faith ; when the Sen- tence of Death was apparant on the head of the Mercy; and the womb leading to it, and is thy faith like a tree twice dead, plucked up by the roots ? God forbid. Oh remember the fulnefs of the In finicenefs of all Perfe6ions that are originally in the Lord ! being able to fill up all the empty chinks, void places, the unfatisfied gafpings and yawnings of the vaft Spirit of man. We (hall feal up all with the Evangelical words of that v,Tyce of Ghrifl eccho'd in a wildernefs,as thegreat Motiveof all motives, The Kingdom of fleaven, of Grace, of I Chrift, and all his Benefits, is at hand, hath ap proached. 110111m. ,° rm..* *0