THE CONTENTS. Page Take heed bow we do any thing that may rob Chrift of glory of hisfulnefi SERMON II John I. 16. Fropofition cleered 20 Doll. 2 All tbe Saints andpeople of God do pert alie of the fulnef? of Chrift in a way of receiving 20 Divided into two parts 21 There is a communication of thefulnelle oflefto Chrift un- to all beleevers ibid 2 Whatfoever Grace or holineffe the Saints have from Chri they have it in away-of recei- ving ibid Theformer proved Pteafon T. Eecaufe there is a union between Chq and a beleever ibid 2 By 4. propofitions I Thereis an infinitetrea- fury of grace in yefits Chrift. 22 2 What grace filover and bolinefle be received as mediator he received not for hinifelfbutfor others 3 There is an infinitein2b jefas Chrift Page to communicate his grace to thefansofmen 25 4 There is nothing in hea- venor earth can hinder him from doing all 2g Objetlion Why are beleevers foempty ofgrace Anfwered I The fulnere of grace which is ina belcever is many timeshidfrom the world 31 2 He communicates grace to them as an univerfal caufe and an univerfal caufe feldom or never produceth particular of fells without the concurrence ofaparticular caufe ibid 3 He cloth it inproportion 32 4 He cloth it according to their neceffities and wants ibid Application Difference between the fulneffe of the world and the fulneffe of Czbrilb-fle fulneffj' 73 e o the world is made up of many things, Thelaine.ffe ofChrifi ofbut one thing, viz, the Deity d 2 The falneffe ofthe worilbdiis mockup of rev* things, But the fulnefreofChrift of the bell ofbells 34 3 The folnele of the wricI! runs into !emptinefre, but ! the fftlneSe of Chrifi is a dwelling